Weatherstone HOA Landscaping Committee and Information
Landscaping across Weatherstone's multiple tracts of land, including two the monuments at the Wildcat Reserve Parkway entrances, West side of Stone Mountain Drive, and Meyerwood short obelisk monument, is the second most valuable asset owned and maintained by the community. Extensive work is required every year to maintain, protect and refresh this integral part of the Weatherstone community.
Weatherstone's Landscaping is currently maintained by Lawn Care Solutions ("LCS"). LCS is a provider of landscaping services for several subassociations in Highlands Ranch.
Landscaping activities, analysis and plans are coordinated with a community volunteer committee under the direction of the Weatherstone board of directors. The Landscape Committee performs walkthroughs of the neighborhood through out the year then collaborates with Lawn Care Solutions, Weatherstone’s landscape maintenance contractor, to set priorities for plant and tree maintenance and replacement according to available budget. The Landscape Committee also coordinates with Highlands Ranch Metro District regarding weed management and other maintenance issues related to trails within Weatherstone.
Compiled in 2017 by members of the HOA’s Landscape Committee.