Board & Committees

Board of Directors
Five member board of volunteer neighbors elected for one year terms by proxy at the annual March Membership Meeting.
George Kontogiannis - President
Andrea Anzur - Treasurer
Brian Owens - 
Jim Morrissey
Natalie Martin - Secretary
District 88 Delegate to the Highlands Ranch Community Association
Carolyn Groom

Why do we have or need a separate Weatherstone Homeowners Association?  Provide greater control, community cohesiveness, and to maintain and regulate the pool and other community amenities.
Where does our money go? What is the budget? All homeowners are provided with an annual budget prior to the last meeting of the calendar year, which is where the budget is approved.  For current Weatherstone financial information go to the documents page or contact Advance HOA Management.
Who is on the Board of Directors, what do they do and how often do they meet?  The Board of Directors is the primary decision making body of the Weatherstone HOA. The board is composed of five volunteer residents in accordance with the Association's Articles of Incorporation.  They are elected each year and make and delegate decisions and processes in the best interest of the community. They typically meet once-a-month and all meetings are open to the public.